SAFE-T-VIEW is a leading supplier of Australian-designed and manufactured safety, security and surveillance convex mirrors.
Our policy of continuous product improvement ensures that our customers can choose from the most up-to-date range of convex mirrors in Australia.
Safe-T-View offers a complete range of convex mirrors with styles available for safety, security and surveillance applications, both indoor and outdoor and in sizes to cover short, medium or long distances.
Convex mirrors are designed to provide a wider field of vision to reduce blind spots and to indicate to the viewer the presence of a safety or security risk. They are widely used in retail for surveillance purposes.
The edge of the convex mirror bends away from you. The reflected image is the right way up but is slightly reduced; you look a little smaller than you really are.
Convex mirrors are often referred to as wide-angle mirrors or fish-eye mirrors because they have a very wide angle of view. You see more of yourself and your surroundings than you could with an ordinary flat mirror.
Convex mirrors are used in three broad areas of application — safety, security and surveillance.
Safety applications
The majority of convex mirror sales in Australia are for work and traffic safety purposes. Convex mirrors give a wide-angle view so that the person can literally see ‘around corners' to avoid collisions and work safely and efficiently.
Security applications
Many mirrors, particularly lighter weight models, are used for security applications, mainly to prevent shop theft in retail stores. They are effective by letting retailers keep an eye on stock otherwise screened from view by shelving or displays, and they have a strong deterrent effect.
Surveillance applications
Convex mirrors perform this function well, particularly where distances involved are not great. A machine operator may need to monitor the level of raw material in a hopper or to check the free flow of product onto or off a machine, without the need to leave the control panel.
Having decided which type of mirror will suit your needs best, you need to establish which size is most appropriate. The size required will depend mainly on the distances involved and the need for detail in the reflected image. What do you really need to see?
For example:
Good lighting is also important for good visibility, both with or without a mirror.